Alana Elliot

Personal Work – In Studio – Model: Alana Elliot

Alana Elliot...


This shoot took place a little while ago back in January this year.  I had the luxury of looking after and running a friends Studio (Ians Studio)whilst he was away on holiday, in-between running some events at the studio I booked a model along with Mark (newtophoto co-host) and had a day in the studio working on some personal work for my portfolio.

You can find out more about Alana on the links below.

Her blog - 

Her Model Mayhem - 

Alana’s communications pre shoot were great, and she was amazing to work with, professional, great range of poses and expressions and was able to connect with the camera  (you could feel it) and nail the shots.  I will be working with here again soon, thank you Alana :)

Below are some more of my favourite images from the shoot, some of which are in my galleries on this site. All images shot using the Canon 500D, 50 F1.8 or 24-105 F4L, but remember the gear does not matter.. what ever you have go shoot.

#1 (By the way this was taken at ISO400, perfectly clean in good light) Don’t be afraid of increasing the ISO, it can help shoot faster with flash as a lower power is needed.

Alana Elliot...









#2 , #3

Alana Elliot...Alana Elliot...

#4, #5

Alana Elliot...Alana Elliot...


#6,  After the softer images above I went for something harder and more dramatic using hard light.  30’ Grid

Alana Elliot...








#7 , #8


Alana Elliot...Alana Elliot...

Love these images, especially number 1 in fact its been printed and I am in the process of finding a frame I like.

Thank You


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