Today we can have many reasons for requiring a head shot or portrait and one of those is for your CV.
The images below are from a recent session with Tori and the brief was for head shots as well as full length portraits for her CV. Tori was looking for new work in the Airline industry as a Flight Attendant and that industry requires images to go along with your CV.
For these images I kept the background clean and simple, that way the images are about the person which is what the CV is selling. No need for a portrait in front of a plane.
We shot a few different looks during the session, changing up the outfit and hair as well as the background to give Tori options.
It’s common for people to be nervous about having their headshot or portrait taken, especially if it’s not a regular experience for them. To counter this I will have some music on in the studio and spend the first 10-15 minutes talking, once we start shooting there is no pressure to get great shots from the gate (see what I did) as both the subject and myself need to warm up and ease in to the shoot.
It helps to keep the set nice and simple to help move things along as well.
Tori did a great job and I wish her all the best in her job hunt.
If you are looking for updated head shots or portraits maybe for your own CV get in touch and we can discuss your requirements.