
Silver Pearl – TV Film & Theatre Networking Events

image Silver Pearl Events are a client of mine who arrange networking events for creative's in the TV, Film and Theatre industry.  Events that enable up and coming and new talent to meet, make contacts and network with like minded people, and to quote Silver Pearl….

“ Networking is Work Making ” – Which is very true.

Silver Pearl was created by producer director Gail Cullen and assistant production designer Rhiannon Clifford. You can find out more information on the face book event page from the last event here.

I have shot two of events for them now, the first was in June 2010 at AMX Bar Manchester and the latest last Thursday at Fab Cafe Manchester. Both challenging venues to shoot in given the low/mixed lighting but more on that later.

Before I go any further I would like to say thank you to Gail and Rhiannon for selecting R J Bradbury – Photography to cover the events. I look forward to working with you both in the future.

Event 1 –June 2010AXM Bar Manchester

The first of the Silver Pearl events that I photographed was their first event so everyone involved was a little nervous (understandably so).  The event went great with a good turn out and some very energetic and inspiring guest speakers. I even learnt a few things my self listening in to the speeches.

SilverPearl - TV, Film & Theater Networking Event 02 June 2010


The first speaker at this event was Joe O'Byrne (Local writer, actor, and film-maker) who's speech was inspiring and passionate and informative. Giving advice on how to succeed in the business and get yourself in the door.









                      Joe O’Byrne


Next on stage were Darren R L Gordon (actor trainer/artistic director) of www.actingclass.co.uk and Lee Mountjoy (Casting Director) who gave advice a entertaining speech filled with advice for actors attending auditions.

SilverPearl - TV, Film & Theater Networking Event 02 June 2010

Lee Mountjoy / Darren R L Gordon

All in all the event went very well and was well received.  You can also read a review of the first event by Brian Gorman on his blog fiction maker.

Some additional images from the first event …

SilverPearl - TV, Film & Theater Networking Event 02 June 2010 SilverPearl - TV, Film & Theater Networking Event 02 June 2010

SilverPearl - TV, Film & Theater Networking Event 02 June 2010

More images from this event can be found in my portfolio section of my site here.


Event 2 – Oct 2010Fab Cafe Manchester

A few weeks ago I was asked to cover the 2nd Silver Pearl – TV film & There're networking event by Gail Cullen & Rhiannon Clifford which was great and I was more than happy to do so.

Silver Pearl Networking Event 2, @ Fab Cafe, 111 Portland Street, Manchester.  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=159011530779119   Photgraphy By  R J Bradbury – Photography  www.rjbradbury.com Mobile: 07763418761 Email:  rick.j.bradbury@gmail.comThis event was held at the Fab Cafe Manchester,   which is an visually awesome place with tons of photography potential for planned portrait shoots with studio lights… sorry got off track ( It's the photographer in me ). As visually interesting as this location was it did prove the most challenging of the two to shoot in which is something I will discuss in a future post.


Despite its photographic challenges I personally felt this venue was better suited to the event in hand allowing for a more intimate space for the speakers and audience to interact.

The first of the speakers was Chris Wiseman of www.fullcirclemedia.tv an award winning music and film production & post-production company.


Silver Pearl Networking Event 2, @ Fab Cafe, 111 Portland Street, Manchester.  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=159011530779119   Photgraphy By  R J Bradbury – Photography  www.rjbradbury.com Mobile: 07763418761 Email:  rick.j.bradbury@gmail.com

Chris gave a great talk about his work in the music and creative industry and working for the Hacienda and Ministry of Sound covering how he started and move on in the industry. He also talked about his company full circle media.  Chris also paid tribute to the late Tony Curtis who passed two weeks ago.


Next up was Peter Hunt a working actor and teacher of drama.

Silver Pearl Networking Event 2, @ Fab Cafe, 111 Portland Street, Manchester.  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=159011530779119   Photgraphy By  R J Bradbury – Photography  www.rjbradbury.com Mobile: 07763418761 Email:  rick.j.bradbury@gmail.com

Peter gave a talk full of tips for people who are looking to start out in acting work, covering areas like CV, Photographs and also making use of your own work/portfolios/show real's to show what you have done and can do.







The third speaker of the evening was Producer Rachel Richard Jones.

Silver Pearl Networking Event 2, @ Fab Cafe, 111 Portland Street, Manchester.  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=159011530779119   Photgraphy By  R J Bradbury – Photography  www.rjbradbury.com Mobile: 07763418761 Email:  rick.j.bradbury@gmail.com

Rachel gave a talk about the trials and rewards of her job and work and also the horror film – Splintered which was produced on a limited budget of £300,000 covering how funding was secured and the production was made.






The evenings speakers were expertly introduced and announced by professional TV presenter Rosie Hogg.

Silver Pearl Networking Event 2, @ Fab Cafe, 111 Portland Street, Manchester.  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=159011530779119   Photgraphy By  R J Bradbury – Photography  www.rjbradbury.com Mobile: 07763418761 Email:  rick.j.bradbury@gmail.com

A review of the second event can by found here on Brian Gorman’s blog – Words by Richard Hulse

I really enjoyed covering these events and learnt a few things myself in-between shooting and networking with people.  I m looking forward to future events and or project from Silver Pearl or the people involved. 

The image galleries from these events can be found here on my site. 


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