new studio

The Studio: Part 1 of ?

As of 10am Monday I am now the renter of four walls and a false ceiling.  The journey begins.

You have no idea how much I have thought about this space… a space.  Should I go ahead, can I make it work and about 5000 other questions. 

That said I now have a space, now it’s not a studio space yet and that’s what this blog series will be about.

Over the next month or two I will be getting the space ready for use and I will be sharing the progress via this blog and social media, I have ideas for the space but some of them will have to wait…for now it’s all about making it functional and seeing how the first 12 months go.

Below is the rough floor plan and a few stills of the space as it is right now (a mess). It needs some work.

·         Cleaning

·         Painting

·         Better Lighting

·         Storage Unit Building

·         Floor Laying

·         Background brackets Installing

To name but a few. 

You will see a lot of stuff that needs to be remove in the images below, the land lord is getting that done for me but I am keeping some of the desks and furniture. 

Yeah that little person is supposed to be me, thanks Mark. :)

I will take you all on a guided tour of the space as it is at the start and discuss my plans at some point this week.

Also in future progress posts I will get in to gear and all that stuff, what I think I need and what I can get by without for now. 

P.S If any knows of a dark blue leather or fake leather 2 seater sofa for sale give me a shout please.

More soon.


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