Since getting the Fuji X100 I have been trying to shoot with it as much as possible and it has become my daily carry camera.
I have talked about trying street photography some a while, have tried it before but with a DSLR it’s not ideal as they attract too much attention or cause people to close down/walk away.
So to give the X100 a good run out I met up with Mark and headed in to Liverpool to shoot some street. The weather was bad with dull overcast sky’s which meant giving the X100 a run at high ISO values (1600-6400). You can see Marks post on his blog on the link below.
Most of the images are black & white apart from the odd few that are stronger in colour. And some of them are detail/architecture shots, just a few.
Before we get in to the images I want to say I can see me shooting more Street in the coming months/years, its freeing being able to relax my own strict rules I put on myself… Shooting street can be either meticulous, shoot from hip or a set up portrait and I like having that choice and being able to shoot a bit looser. Now don’t get me wrong I am not talking eff it and spray and pray this stuff but just relaxing a little, framing does not have to be perfect at all times.. I mean it can’t be if shooting from the hip, I don’t have to shoot manual exposure.. Everything does not have to be perfect….Ha .. That’s such a stupid goal or pressure to set yourself! I have not shot a perfect Image ever.. expect I never will, I actually don’t think a perfect photograph exists. After all this is all subjective right?
Ok enough of that before I start to ramble…Here are some
images from the day, exported 28 (not all shown) from the 170 I shot (battery
life on the X100 sucks…. And really sucks in the cold). I’m still waiting on my 2 spares to arrive,
will most likely order another.
This guy spotted me, did not look happy.. I moved on.
Mark was making an image of a boat spotter so I figured would make an image of him making an image. Kind of.
I took a photograph of this guy and his wife with his 60D, I may of changed a few settings on his camera as it was set on Landscape Auto.. I set it to manual to dial in exposure and fill flash.. Forgot to set it back, hope he spots it. A short while after he came over to ask about the Fuji X100, nice fellow.
Mark taking a photo for some tourists on their phone, we even spotted someone walking around using an IPAD as a camera… any camera works.. but you’re a walking mug me target doing that.
I really enjoyed walking around light on gear. I am heading out again this weekend. More posts to come and my thoughts about the