Location Shoot with Mark Boadey & Model: Krissi Shaw

Spent a great day out shooting at an old disused factory/industrial unit with a good friend of mine Mark Boadey, we came across the location whilst scouting for a place to run an in//on car photography meet (which has been delayed). 

The location was on an industrial estate not too far away from home,  but I started the day by picking Mark up from Liverpool then heading over to collect our model for the day Krissi .

Myself and Mark spent the travel time getting to know the model and build up a rapport before the shoot would begin.

I also just want to add that Krissi was a star, dealing with rather cold conditions, she took direction well and even put forward her own ideas for future shoots which is great to hear.  Thank You  Krissi.

You can find Krissi ‘s modelling profiles below.

Pure Storm

Model Mayhem 

The Location

What did the location look like?….Not much to look at right, well depends on how you look at it.


The location it’s self is relatively small but had plenty of potential as you can see from the following few images.



So after unloading the car signing model release forms we got to shooting.

Myself and Mark both shoot Canon (which is handy) and also use the same speedlites/triggers which allows for a larger lighting setup should it required.

The Results

You can see some of Marks results on his blog post and in his portfolio.

So what did I get from this run down location. These are 3 of my personal favourites I took on the shoot.


Krissi...Thinking of freedom....


Krissi....Rocking a pose.

Lit By: 3 Speedlites in tri bracket, 60” umbrella (reflective)


Lit By: Softbox Camera Left, fethered to keep back ground dark.

Im looking forward to many location and studio shoots in 2011.


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