This shoot is from back in July 2012.

I first met Sarah at an event at a local Studio I ended up teaching on (was planning to just shoot but ended up taking one group) and instantly realised she had a great personality for modelling and in general. A shoot was arranged for the following Monday in Castlefield, Manchester UK.
Castlefield is a well known part of Manchester and hold great potential for location work, I must revisit it.
With travelling in by Train I decided to travel light (for me) along side my good friend Mark Boadey, we had arranged a joint shoot. Having not visited Castlefield for a number of years I was looking forward to seeing what I could find.
This shoot was the one I made my mind up to finally go Full Frame. I borrowed a 5D2 from a good friend Kevin Pack and never looked back.. anyway.
The images shown below are some of my favourites from the shoot.
The first frame was a simple head shot, I start with head shots quite often to warm up to the shoot.. how ever getting up close for a head shot might not suite all subjects as a starting point. This image was taken using great open shade with a bright sunny blue sky, I love open shade almost as much as I like direct sun/hardlight… almost
#1 Canon 5D2, Canon 85 F1.8 , Natural Light – 1/250th sec, F2.8 ISO125

The next frame was a full length shot, whilst not over all a favourite.. it could of been framed tighter! I still like it because of Sarah's expression and reaction to what ever I said (can’t remember), I also like how the top echos the shape of the arms in the pose.
#2 – Canon 5D2, Canon 85 F1.8 – Natural Light - 1/320sec, F1.8, ISO125

Next was a few head and shoulder shots, I love the eye contact and the background works well with Sarah’s hair colour and of course the smile in the second one.
#3 – Canon 5D2, Canon 85 F1.8, – Natural Light - 1/160sec, F4, ISO 400

#4 - Canon 5D2, Canon 85 F1.8, – Natural Light - 1/160sec, F4, ISO 400

Now its time for something more dramatic and wide angle, I love my 35 F2 lens but so far had only use it on a APS-C DSLR.. now on the 5D2 it was a real wide angle… play time.
The rail bridge that travel over the Canal hides some great locations and bridge structures, the next series of images were made around that area.
#5 - Canon 5D2, Canon 35 F2 – Natural Light & Flash – 1/200th sec, F11, ISO100, Flash 1/4 Power ish. Thanks to Mark Boadey VAL duties. 1:1 crop in post.
#6 - Canon 5D2, Canon 35 F2 – Natural Light & Flash – 1/200th sec, F11, ISO100, Flash 1/4 Power ish – Some of the shadow shapes in this are created by shooting through a bridge barrier.

#7 Canon 5D2, Canon 35 F2 – Natural Light & Flash – 1/200th sec, F11, ISO100, Flash 1/4 Power ish

#8 Canon 5D2, Canon 35 F2 – Natural Light & Flash – 1/80h sec, F5, ISO100

Time for something lighter and warmer.
#9 - Canon 5D2, Canon 50 F1.8 II – Natural Light & Flash – 1/200th sec, F3.5, ISO400, Flash 1/8th Power ish with CTO Gel. Just a small tree and a man made sun.

Now a little more dramatic with Grids. Love these things.
#10 - Canon 5D2, Canon 50 F1.8 II – Natural Light & Mostly Flash – 1/200th sec, F8, ISO200 – Flash with 1/4 Grid at 1/2 Power ish. 1:! crop in post

#11 - Canon 5D2, Canon 35 F2 – a Natural Little & Flash – 1/200th sec, F8, ISO100, Flash 1/2Power ish with 1/4 grid. - The grid keeps the flash off the wall.
You can see a video of my edit of this image here

#12 - Canon 5D2, Canon 50 F1.8 II – Natural Light – 1/400thsec, F5.6, ISO640 – A Bit of fun during last light. Never understood people who try to get rid of shadows in any photograph, they create shape/ depth.

#13 - Canon 5D2, Canon 50 F1.8 II, – Natural Light - 1/640thsec, F1.8, ISO640

#14 - Canon 5D2, Canon 50 F1.8 II, – Natural Light - 1/500th sec, F1.8, ISO640
Always keep your camera ready incase your Model decides to go climbing.

We wrapped the day off with some good food and a few drinks.
Thank you Sarah for an enjoyable shoot, look forward to working with you again.