Back in August I wrote a blog post asking for subjects for me to shoot. I needed to run the camera, lens and lights, produce new work… do something.
This came from a place where I was spending more time thinking about shooting for myself and doing other work instead of actually doing something for myself. Whilst this may sound like a personal project it’s not I have those planned and ready to kick start soon.
If you would like to help me out and allow me to shoot some portraits of you, you can apply via this post. This is the 4th shoot and I have time for another 4 before I close the doors on this and move forwards.
So on to #GOYA #04.
Shira contacted me after seeing the post and images from #GOYA #03 with Laura. It’s been quite humbling to see people give up their time for me and to step in front of a camera.
It was a pleasure meeting and photographing Shira, she’s quite a character. Do you ever ask your subject or client if they can sing during a shoot? I sometimes do with a plan to capture the reaction after the fact… well, Shira started to sing. I did grab a few reaction frames during though.
I want to also shout thanks to my friend Kevin Timmons for assisting me on the day and for jumping in amongst the reeds to hold a light for the main shot at the top of this post.
You can see a few more images from the shoot in the gallery below.

Thank You