This is James, all round nice guy and teacher of the Alexander Technique. If you are like me and have never heard of the Alexander Technique it is a process of improving your posture and self-awareness that is used to combat stress, anxiety and a wide number of physical ailments that can plague us in modern fast paced life.
Hell, even I was more aware of my posture when James was around and mine is normally terrible.
James works locally in Stockport, Wilmslow and Manchester so it was great to provide photography services for a local individual and brand. During our conversations leading up to the session we established the final use (Editorial, Web) for the images and a style the James was looking for to move his brand forward in this digital age, a date was set and we got to work.
I want to also take this opportunity to thank my good friend Stuart for assisting on this shoot. Having an assistant just helps things run more smoothly, I need to make than happen more often.
We kept things simple and clean and concentrated on creating portraits and head shots that showed James as the professional and approachable person that he is. The results can be seen below.

Thanks for reading.